Thank You!

You might imagine how nervous we were to throw our first big Fall Festival. We had no idea what to expect. Would people like us? Would they love our farm as much as we do? Could we pull it off? It was scary! As the festival evolved, we realized something spectacular! People are AMAZING! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your graciousness, kindness and excitement you showed us. We all agree, our first annual Cross E Ranch Fall Festival was a HUGE success! 

Because things went so well, we have decided to host a number of events this year. We can't wait to see you all again! Some of the things we are working on are a Spring Festival where you can come and meet our baby animals, Summer camps for kids to come work with us and learn the ins and outs of being a farmer, Heritage Festival where you can come and learn about Pioneers, Native Americans and Utah history, and a bigger and better Fall Festival. Follow us on Facebook and instagram for reminders and check our website often for updates.

See you at the farm!!!!


A Tribute to David Hinckley


We LOVE our school friends!